Invest in Tucson Hebrew Academy today.
For more than 50 years, THA has developed students who are critical thinkers, inspired to challenge their intellects and encouraged to lead lives enriched through Jewish traditions, culture, and wisdom.
Your investment provides resources for our campus community to continue to thrive and supports not only the classroom but our educators, Jewish life programing, the arts, THA athletics, and more.
Gifts of all sizes have a direct impact on our school and strengthens your connection to our vibrant community.
Opportunities for Giving
The Annual Campaign
The Annual Campaign directly impacts students and teachers through things like technology upgrades, facilities enhancements, and substantial school projects. Contributions to the Annual Campaign can be made at any time for any amount.
The Hamsa Society
Donations made can qualify for the Hamsa Society, THA’s donor community. We look forward to the continued support of our stakeholders in the way most meaningful to them, whether through monthly gifts, annual contributions, or planned gift bequests.
JETCO is the Jewish Education tax credit organization that enables families to access a Jewish education in southern Arizona. Contributions can be made directly to JETCO, click below for more information.
Endowment Funds & Legacy Planning
When you plan for the future of THA, you are giving the gift of furthering our school mission by supporting our organization year after year. You can contribute to our established endowment fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona (JCF) and/or establish a personal endowment. Endowments for THA are held at the Jewish Philanthropies of Southern Arizona.
Please click below for more information.
Consider supporting the THA 8th Grade Jewish capstone trip with a tax-deductible donation.