Jewish Life

THA’s approach to Jewish life is a joyful celebration of our community and living Jewish values. Students are encouraged to embrace Jewish life in the ways most meaningful to them: in the classroom learning Hebrew, through celebrations like Shabbat Lunches, or during communal prayer, Tefillah. Our holistic approach to Jewish values prepares students from diverse backgrounds to navigate a multicultural world through a compassionate framework.

Dual Language Learning: Hebrew

In the United States, one in five K-12 students is enrolled in a world language class. Research indicates that learning a second language enhances a child's cognitive abilities in all areas of academic study and critical thinking while fostering a global perspective.

At THA, students in all grades actively participate in learning Hebrew. In the Lower School, students build vocabulary, reading, and writing skills, along with conversational abilities. In Middle School, students focus on expanding their vocabulary and developing proficiency in Hebrew to acquire the skills needed to study original Hebrew texts in Jewish studies.

Tikkun Olam, Repairing the World

Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, is a value deeply rooted in Judaism and intertwined in the teachings at THA. For more than fifty years, THA students have participated in volunteerism to better themselves and their community. Many opportunities are provided for students to apply these values, whether through giving Tzedakah, participating in school volunteer events, or learning about community issues and brainstorming ways to take action.

In the Classroom & On Campus

Daily, students engage with Jewish life programming through education and experiences in the classroom and around campus. In addition to dual language learning and acts of Tikkun Olam, students participate in Tefillah and traditions to strengthen their connection to Judaism.

Tefillah, prayer through song, helps our students grow spiritually, as they connect to the deeper meaning of various prayers, the world around them, and to each other. 

We approach the teaching of Jewish holidays and traditions through the learning of text and experiential learning. Students blow the shofar for the month of Elul, they smell fresh Latkes being prepared by the culinary club for Hanukkah, and they anticipate the excitement of Purium during the planning of the annual carnival.

Did you know? Day school alumni are more than twice as likely (81%) to say Jewish identity is very important to them compared to those who did not attend day school (35%).

Family Support

We emphasize strengthening the home and school partnership for families at THA. Throughout the school year, parents are invited to participate in on-campus activities and are encouraged to join THA staff for learning opportunities to deepen their connection to Judaism.

β€œTHA is truly the center of our family's Jewish life.

Our kids are learning lasting Jewish values, critical thinking skills, a connection to Israel and our history, a strong sense of identity and how to be good citizens of the world. They are learning in a nurturing and loving environment with teachers who care deeply about their growth.

Our sons especially love the Hebrew language program, the incredible art program, and the differentiated learning environment for core classes.”